Case Studies
Success Stories Selected by Task 37
The new success story
Membrane up-grading of biogas to biomethane for grid injection: Bruck an der Leitha (Austria), April 2013 (PDF 690 KB)
An example of successful centralised co-digestion in Denmark: Lemvig Biogas, February 2013 (PDF 340 KB)
Economic sustainability of manure based centralised co-digestion, Denmark, May 2012 (PDF 430 KB)
Nutrient recovery from digestate and biogas utilisation by up-grading and grid injection, Switzerland, March 2012 (PDF 200 KB)
Pioneering Biogas farming in Central Finland, February 2012 (PDF 1500 KB)
Biogas pipeline for local heat and power production in a residential area Zeewolde, NL, October 2011 (PDF 628 KB)
Biogas from slaughterhouse waste: towards an energy self-sufficient industry, December 2009 (PDF 203 KB)
The first bioenergy village in J�hnde, Germany, March 2009 (PDF 1000 KB)
Optimised digestion of energy crops and agricultural wastes in a local biogas plant in Reidling, Austria, 2008 (PDF 219 KB)
100 % Biogas for urban transport in Link�ping, Sweden, January 2007 (PDF 80 KB)
Injection of Biogas into the natural gas grid in Laholm, Sweden, November 2005(PDF 214 KB)