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Workshops and Seminars of Task 37
Presentations of Workshop
�Biogas Process Optimisation�,
Location: Bern, Switzerland;
Date: April 18th 2013 |
Programme IEA Task 37 Workshop �Biogas Process Optimisation� (PDF 290 KB)
Introduction to the Workshop (PDF 1970 KB)
Sandra Hermle, Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Switzerland
IEA Bioenergy, Task 37 – Role and activities (PDF 1110 KB)
David Baxter, Task 37 Leader, European Commission Joint Research Center, The Netherlands
Biogas process monitoring – techniques and recommendations (PDF 760 KB)
Bernhard Drosg, IFA-Tulln – Universit�t f�r Bodenkultur Wien, Austria
Optimisation by pre-treatments, additives and process engineering (PDF 1200 KB)
Rolf Warthmann, ZHAW W�denswil, Switzerland
Grass digestion: operation and optimisation (PDF 2705 KB)
Jerry Murphy, University College Cork, Ireland
Membrane bioreactor(PDF 390 KB)
Jean-Louis Hersener, Ingenieurb�ro Hersener, Switzerland
Two phase anaerobic digestion of organic solids
(PDF 2280 KB)
Bernd Linke, Leibniz-Institut Potsdam-Bornim, Germany
Digestate processing (PDF 1970 KB)
Hans Engeli, Engeli Engineering, Switzerland
Energy from biogas as operating reserve (PDF 2370 KB)
Stefan Mutzner, �kostrom Schweiz, Switzerland
Biomassezentrum Spiez (PDF 1860 KB)
Oberland Energie AG, Switzerland
Presentations of the �Energy from Biogas� Conference Session
�IEA Bioenergy Conference 2012�,
Location: Vienna, Austria;
Date: November 13th and 14th, 2012 |
Future challenges for AD to deliver economically and environmentally sustainable fuel and bioenergy (PDF 1900 KB)
Charles Banks, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Availability and viability of small on-farm biogas plants
(PDF 600 KB)
Nathalie Bachmann, EREP SA, Switzerland
Management of digestate quality for utilization as fertiliser (PDF 800 KB)
Teodorita Al Seadi, Managing Director BIOSANTECH, Denmark
Injecting biomethane into the grid (PDF 600 KB)
Anna Butenko, Johan Holstein, Maroeska Boots, DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability, The Netherlands
Biomethane as a vehicle fuel made from upgraded biogas (PDF 700 KB)
Tobias Persson, Mattias Svensson, Swedish Gas Technology Centre, Sweden
Presentations of Workshop
�Biogas in the Loop of Recycling�,
Location: Moss, Norway; Date: 19th April 2012 |
Programme IEA Task 37 Workshop �Biogas in the loop of recycling� (PDF 45 KB)
Quality of digestate used as biofertiliser (PDF 1500 KB)
Teodorita Al Seadi, Managing Director BIOSANTECH, Denmark
Biogas and waste management in Norway (PDF 1900 KB)
Henrik Lystad, Assistant director Avfall Norge, Norway
Biogas Situation in the Netherlands (PDF 3600 KB)
Mathieu Dumont, NL Agency, The Netherlands
Quality management of digestate in Switzerland (PDF 950 KB)
Nathalie Bachmann, EREP SA, Switzerland
Cycle-Based Waste (PDF 890 KB)
Oystein Ihler, Marketing Director, Norway
Biogas and digestate in agriculture (PDF 1200 KB)
Tormod Briseid, Bioforsk, Norway
Presentations of Workshop
�Biogas Production and Utilisation�,
Location: Istanbul, Turkey; Date: 14th April 2011 |
Task 37 Energy from Biogas: An Overview (PDF 1550 KB)
David Baxter, European Commission Joint Research Center, The Netherlands
Setting up biogas on a national level (PDF 1130 KB)
Teodorita Al Seadi, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Matching AD requirements to different feedstocks
(PDF 3025 KB)
Charles Banks, Universitiy of Southampton, United Kingdom
Pre-treatment technologies for biogas production
(PDF 362 KB)
G�nther Bochmann, IFA-Tulln, Germany
Biogas from energy crop digestion(PDF 1615 KB)
Jerry Murphy, University College Cork, Ireland
Biogas for urban transport application (PDF 2625 KB)
Nuri Azbar, EGE University, Turkey
Learn from mistakes of experienced ones: project developement and engineering (PDF 969 KB)
Andreas Krieg, Akademie f�r Erneuerbare Energien, Germany
Economic and Social Effect of Farms Scale Biogas Plants in Rural Areas(PDF 1914 KB)
�zben Er�z, EGE University, Turkey
Proceedings of the Workshop in Den Bosch
�International Seminar�,
Location: Den Bosch, The Netherlands; Date: 4th November 2010 |
Task 37 Energy from Biogas: A Brief Summary (PDF 550 KB)
David Baxter, European Commission Joint Research Center, The Netherlands
From residues to natural gas (PDF 1400 KB)
Suiker Unie, Project �Plant and Planet�, The Netherlands
Biomethane feed-in and distribution: daily practice
(PDF 1600 KB)
Albert van der Molen, Chairman �Project group biomethane�, Netbeheer, The Netherlands
Swedish Biogas Approach for a Greener Transport Sector
(PDF 1400 KB)
Dr. Anneli Petersson, Svenskt Gastekniskt Center AB, Sweden
Government policy in biogas (PDF 470 KB)
Erik Eijkelberg, The Netherlands
Biogasproduction in agriculture and manure policy
(PDF 90 KB)
Erik Mulleneers, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, The Netherlands
Biogas (PDF 80 KB)
Esther Hardi, Alliander, Germany
Biogas and Natural Gas Grids - Problems and Regulations for the Grid Access (PDF 130 KB)
Dr. Gerrit Volk, German Federal Network for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway, Germany
Agriculture is part of the solution (PDF 770 KB)
Hans Huijbers, Chairman of the ZLTO, The Netherlands
The Green Injection - into the existing gas grid of Endinet or GTS (PDF 280 KB)
Henk Kluytmans, Manager Projecten & Engineering, Rick Donders, Asset Management, Endinet, The Netherlands
Biomethane Injection: Outlook from a grid controller perspective (PDF 190 KB)
Peter Beumers, Project Group �Groen Gras�, Netbeheer, The Netherlands
Utilisation of digestate as fertiliser - a common pratice in Denmark (PDF 130 KB)
Teodorita Al Seadi, Principal Scientist, Denmark
Presentations of Workshop
�Digestate and biogas utilisation � practices and perspectives�,
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark; Date: 27th May 2010 |
Digestate as fertiliser:
Biogas and slurry separation in Danish agriculture
(PDF 1500 KB)
Torkild Birkmose, Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, Aarhus, Denmark
Digestate use in Canada (PDF 600 KB)
Anna Crolla, Natural Resources Canada, Canada
Digestate use in the United Kingdom (PDF 280 KB)
Clare T. Lukehurst, United Kingdom
Biogas for grid injection:
Biogas to the natural gas grid (PDF 960 KB)
Torben K. Jensen, Danish Gas Technology Centre, Denmark
Overview of biogas upgrading (PDF 4400 KB)
Anneli Petersson, Swedish Gas Centre, Sweden
Experience with grid injection in Germany (PDF 400 KB)
Peter Weiland, Johann Heinrich von Th�nen-Institut, Germany
Using biogas for CHP and/or transportation purposes in the long run (PDF 1000 KB)
Soren Tafdrup, Danish Energy Agency, Denmark
Presentations of Workshop
�Biogas upgrading�,
Location: Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Date: 8th October 2009 |
Presentations of Seminar
�Biogas technology for sustainable bioenergy production�,
Location: Jyv�skyl�n yliopisto, Agora Auditorio 1, Finland
Date: 28th April 2009 |
Biogas technology for sustainable bioenergy production (PDF 66 KB)
Pia Salokoski, Tekes, Finland
Biogas for sustainable future (PDF 1750 KB)
Arthur Wellinger, Nova Energie Ltd, Switzerland
Biogas in Finland (PDF 1050 KB)
Annimari Lehtom�ki, Jyv�skyl� Innovation Ltd, Finland
Policies to promote biogas in EU (PDF 170 KB)
David Baxter, European Commission
Biogas in Germany (PDF 375 KB)
Peter Weiland, Federal Agricultur Research Centre, Saksa, Germany
Experience of large scale use of crops for biogas production (PDF 1340 KB)
Rudolf Braun, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria
Processing digestate to valuable products (PDF 2060 KB)
Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Developing the use of digestate in the UK
Clare Lukehurst, FBIAC, Iso-Britannia, UK
Biomethan as vehicle fuel (PDF 2930 KB)
Anneli Petersson, Swedish Gas Centre, Sweden
Biogas use and application – experiences and visions in the Netherlands (PDF 650 KB)
Mathieu Dumont, Senter Novem, The Netherlands
Presentations of Task 36 and 37
�Biofuels&Bioenergy � a Changing Climate�
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Date: 23 - 26th August 2009 |
Integrating energy recovery into solid waste management: Trend in IEA countries (PDF 615 KB)
Pat Howes, UK
Comparing the Environmental Impacts of Residual Waste Management Options (PDF 220 KB)
Judith Bates
Energy from waste, one step further (PDF 640 KB)
Timo Gerlagh, Netherlands
Residential Waste – an often overlooked bioenergy source (PDF 1750 KB)
J�rgen Vehlow, Germany
Process for Bio natural gas production from Forestry residue (PDF 770 KB)
Matt Babicki, Brian Sellars
Application of biomethane in private and public transport (PDF 2500 KB)
Arthur Wellinger, Switzerland
Modern technologies of biogas upgrading (PDF 3000 KB)
Anneli Petersson, Sweden
Anaerobic digestion as a biofuel production technology from crops
(PDF 670 KB)
Serge R. Guiot, Canada
Ranking energy options for a district heating system in Vancouver
(PDF 800 KB)
Taraneh Sowlati, Saeed Ghafghazi, Shahab Sokhansanj, Staffan Melin, Canada
European Union Policy Promoting Bioenergy (PDF 2300 KB)
David Baxter, Kyriakos Maniatis, EU Commission
Presentations from the Ludlow meeting,
�Co-digestion for an optimized production of biogas and fertilizer�
Location: South Shropshire, Biowaste Digester, The Buisness Park, Ludlow, UK
Date: 17th April 2008 |
Workshop organisers
The workshop was organised as a joint session between the IEA Bioenergy Task 37 working group �Energy from Biogas and Landfill Gas� and �Probiogas UK�
Program (PDF 20 KB)
The contribution of AD in delivering renewable energy and the r�le of IEA Bioenergy Task 37 (PDF 2200 KB)
Arthur Wellinger, Nova Energie, Switzerland
Anaerobic Digestion: the UK Policy Framework (PDF 66 KB)
Jeremy Eppel, defra, UK
Impact of competition claims for food and energy on Germany biogas production (PDF 2500 KB)
Peter Weiland, Federal Research Institut for Rural Areas, Foresty and Fisheries, Germany
Results of 41 Co-digestion Digestion Plants in Austria (PDF 2200 KB)
Rudolf Braun and Roland Kirchmayr, IFA-Tulln, Austria
Co-digestion in V�steras and Kristianstad (PDF 4800 KB)
Anneli Petersson, SGC, Sweden
Ludlow Food Waste Digester (PDF 4100 KB)
Michael Chesshire, Greenfinch, UK
Developing a Quality Protocol for Anaerobic Digestion (PDF 940 KB)
Nina Sweet, wrap, UK
Digestate/biofertiliser in the UK (PDF 550 KB)
Clare T. Lukehurst, Probiogas, UK
Biogas and a Vehicle Fuel (PDF 1400 KB)
Tevor Fletcher, The Hardstaff Group, UK
Digestate utilisation and Management (PDF 2100 KB)
Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, sdu, Denmark
Abstracts & contribution berlin
Abstracts and contributions from the workshop in Berlin 2007
�Biogas: Energy throughout the whole world�
Location: ICC, International Congress Center, Berlin, Germany
Date: 7 - 11th May 2007 |
Workshop organisers
The workshop was organised as a joint session between the IEA Bioenergy Task 37 working group �Energy from Biogas and Landfill Gas� and the EU-funded 6th Framework project �Renewable Energy from Crops and Agrowastes� (CROPGEN – University of Southampton, UK)
Program (PDF 26 KB)
Energy efficiency in Energy Crop Digestion (PDF 40 KB)
Rudolf Braun and Michael Laaber, Austria
Optimized growth and preservation of energy crop (PDF 40 KB)
Katja G�deke and Michaela Heiermann, Germany
Biogas to fuel: Merits and limits (PDF 45 KB)
Owe J�nsson, Sweden
Crops for biogas production; yields, suitability and energy balances (PDF 33 KB)
Andrew Salter, United Kingdom
Status of biogas production and application (PDF 1600 KB)
Charles Banks, University of Southamton United Kingdom
Energy Efficiency of Crop Digestion (PDF 3500 KB)
Rudolf Braun and Michael Laaber, Austria
Optimized growth and preservation of energy crop (PDF 550 KB)
Katja G�deke and Michaela Heiermann, Germany
Optimized growth and preservation of energy crop (PDF 440 KB)
M. Heiermann, C. Herrmann, C. Idler and V. Scholz
Biogas to fuel: Merits and limits (PDF 460 KB)
Owe J�nsson, Sweden
Crops for biogas production; yields, suitability and energy balances (PDF 33 KB)
Andrew Salter, United Kingdom
Proceedings of the workshop in Utrecht
�Energy crops and biogas � Pathways to success?�
Location: Hoog Brabant Conference Center, 3511 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Date: September 22, 2005 |
Workshop organisers
The workshop was organised as a joint session between the IEA Bioenergy Task 37 working group �Energy from Biogas and Landfill Gas� and the EU-funded 6th Framework project �Renewable Energy from Crops and Agrowastes� (CROPGEN – University of Southampton, UK)
Tropic 1: Identification and development of crops for energy production
Plant breeding potential to improve energy crops for the use in biogas plants (PDF 4800 KB)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Friedt
Justus Liebling University, Giessen
Swichtgrass and Miscanthus as Energy Crops – Agricultural alspects (PDF 2100 KB)
Dr. Wolter Elbersen
The Netherlands
Biodiversity impacts of enhanced energy crop production in
EU framland areas (PDF 1270 KB)
Dr. Berien Elbersen
The Netherlands
Tropic 2: Biomass processing concepts, storages, pre- and post treatment, technologies and impacts
results and bottle necks of energy crop digestion plants – required process technology innovations (PDF 484 KB)
Prof. Dr. Peter Weiland,
Federal Agricultural Research Center
preliminary results of biomass storing and pre-treatment (PDF 531 KB)
Prof. Dr. Jukka Rintala
Jyv�skyl� University
preliminary results from the agrioptigas project (PDF 6800 KB)
Dr. Ake Nordberg
experience with co-digestion of energy crops (PDF 3800 KB)
Ir. Hendrik Jan van Dooren
The Netherlands
Tropic 3: Overall energy balance of crop to biogas systems
energy balances of crop to biogas systems in relation to other biotransformations (PDF 3500 KB)
Dr. Andre Faaij,
Copernicus Inst. for Sustainable Development
The Netherlands
Energy analysis and environmental analysis of biogas systems
(PDF 118 KB)
Dr. Pal B�rjesson,
Departement of Technology and Society, Lund University
energetic use of biomass – competing or complementing technologies? (PDF 2300 KB)
Samuel Stucki
Paul Scherrer Institut
Tropic 4: Potential of integrated biogas systems
Possibilities of integrating bioenergy (biogas) generation into other biomass based production systems (PDF 2300 KB)
Prof. Dr. Johan Sanders
The Netherlands
biocascading – towards efficient biomass chains (PDF 186 KB)
Prof. Dr. Paul Struik
The Netherlands
predicted energy crop potentials for biogas –
worldwide, regions – EU 25 (Word 806 KB)
Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen
Aalborg University
PDF Programme and presentations
Presentations of the Jyvaeskylae Seminar
�Production and Use of Biogas�
(only PDF); 2004 |